Risk Solver® Platform is now named Analytic Solver® Optimization + Simulation. It's by far the most powerful tool for risk analysis, simulation and optimization in Excel.  It includes all the capabilities of Risk Solver® Pro version for risk analysis and Monte Carlo simulation, all the capabilities of Premium Solver® Platform for optimization, and new capabilities for finding robust optimal decisions automatically, using stochastic programming and robust optimization methods -- not available anywhere else.  With its new user interface that uses Excel's Ribbon and Task Pane plus Guided Mode for selecting methods and options, it's by far the easiest way to build models and get results for critical planning decisions -- especially those that involve uncertainty.

Besides the latest enhancements to Risk Solver Platform's features and performance, you get more with Analytic Solver Optimization + Simulation, including free access to our cloud version, and free use of our forecasting, data mining, and text mining features for small datasets! To learn more, visit our Analytic Solver Optimization and Analytic Solver Simulation product pages (you get everything described on both pages). If you're ready to order, click here.

FREE TRIAL.  If you want to "try before you buy," simply register by filling out a simple form, download and run the SolverSetup program.  You'll be able to use a full featured, full capacity, full speed version of the software for 15 days, free of charge.

What's Included.  Risk Solver® Platform aka Analytic Solver® Optimization + Simulation supports Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010 and Excel 2007 (32-bit and 64-bit), on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Server.  It comes with a comprehensive User Guide, Reference Guide, QuickStart Guide, 90 example models, and extensive online Help.

Annual Support.  Annual Support for this product is required throughout the license term.  Annual Support includes:

  • A limited warranty for the functionality and performance of the software product 
  • All software upgrades for the product released during the license term
  • Ability to trade in this product for an even more powerful Excel Solver product
  • Technical support by phone and email during normal business hours
  • Up to 15 minutes of consulting assistance arising during the license term

Buy your license now.  Analytic Solver Optimization + Simulation comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.