This page describes messages that can appear from the time you click on the Solve button to the time the Solver stops (and displays the Solver Results dialog, where a number of additional messages can appear).

Problem to solve not specified.

This message appears if you click Solve and you have not specified any adjustable cells in the By Changing Cells edit box, or if you have specified neither an objective in the Set Cell box nor any constraints. Without these elements, the problem definition is incomplete and the Solver cannot work with it.

Solver paused, current solution values displayed on worksheet.

This message appears in the Show Trial Solution dialog box (i) on every iteration or Trial Solution, if you have checked the Show Iteration Results box in the Solver Options dialog, or (ii) when you press ESC to interrupt the solution process. You can click on Continue to proceed with the solution process, or click on Stop to stop the process and display the Solver Results dialog box. You can also save the current values of the decision variables in a scenario.

The maximum iteration limit was reached; continue anyway?

This message appears in the Show Trial Solution dialog box when the Solver has completed the maximum number of iterations allowed in the Iterations box in the Solver Options dialog. The actions you can take are the same as those described under "Solver paused" above.

The maximum time limit was reached; continue anyway?

This message appears in the Show Trial Solution dialog box when the the Solver has run for the maximum time (number of seconds) allowed in the Max Time box in the Solver Options dialog. The actions you can take are the same as those described under "Solver paused" above.

The Scenario Manager Changing Cells (...) do not include all the Solver Changing Cells.

Only the Scenario Manager cell values will be saved. This message appears when you attempt to save the current values of the decision variables (adjustable or changing cells) in a scenario, using the Scenario button in the Show Trial Solution or Solver Results dialogs. If you have previously used the Scenario Manager to define scenarios where the Scenario Manager's changing cells do not include all of the Solver's changing cells, you will receive this message.

If you want to save all of the decision variable values in a scenario, you'll have to first modify the Scenario Manager's changing cells (using Tools Scenarios...) and then re-run the Solver.

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