Start with a free trial of Analytic Solver - get access to every feature for Optimization, Simulation and Data Mining.
Then keep access to every feature for as long as you want, with size limits suitable for learning, at a low subscription price.
Use both desktop and cloud. When you're ready, upgrade (and pay for) greater size and speed, only in the area(s) you need.

Model/Data Element

Basic Limits in All Versions

Analytic Solver Optimization

Analytic Solver Simulation

Analytic Solver Data Mining

Linear Variables x Constraints

200 x 100

8000 x 8000
Unlimited with Solver Engines

Basic 200 x 100

Basic 200 x 100

Nonlinear Variables x Constraints

200 x 100

1000 x 1000
Unlimited with Solver Engines

Basic 200 x 100

Basic 200 x 100

Uncertain Variables x Functions

50 x 25

Basic 50 x 25

Unlimited x Unlimited

Basic 50 x 25

Simulations x Monte Carlo Trials

10 x 1000

Basic 10 x 1000

Unlimited x Unlimited

Basic 10 x 1000

Data Partition Columns x Rows

50 x 65,000

Basic 50 x 65,000

Basic 50 x 65,000

Unlimited x Unlimited

Training Set / Database Query Rows

10,000 x 1,000,000

Basic 10,000 x 1,000,000

Basic 10,000 x 1,000,000

Unlimited x Unlimited

Processor Cores Used in Parallel


Many for Optimization

Many for Simulation

Many for Data Mining


Analytic Solver Comprehensive gives you the maximum Optimization, Simulation and Data Mining limits found in each column above.
For in-depth comparison information in PDF form, click one of the links below.

Analytic Solver Summary Comparison

Analytic Solver Detailed Comparison