Minimize staffing costs, maximizes employee satisfaction, and ensures needed coverage

Risk Solver Platform


Risk Solver Platform is a comprehensive package of high-performance tools that you can use to build scheduling models right inside Excel which reduce costs or increase profits by scheduling your employees' time more effectively. See example models to learn how you can minimize costs or maximize profits by optimally scheduling employees while satisfying constraints such as employee days off requirements, differing pay scales, employee seniority, and varying shift skills set and output requirements.

Risk Solver Platform works in Excel, is 100% upward compatible from the standard Excel Solver, and is your best choice for tough optimization problems such as workforce scheduling.

Minimize staffing costs while meeting scheduling and employee requirements

  • Create your own model in excel or build off our example models
  • Take into account minimum staffing level, days off requirements, employee preferences, and seniority, for example
  • Easily look at trade-offs to see impact on costs, employee satisfaction, coverage levels, etc.
  • Take into account uncertainty such as staffing needed to meet demand or staff no-shows
  • Easily customize to your exact situation and needs or let us do the work for you

The #1 Choice Around the World for Good Reasons

  • Solve every type and size of conventional optimization problem
  • Build better models with less effort and solve them up to 40X+ faster than alternatives
  • Build models in Excel with no programming required
  • Use enhanced analysis and reporting to identify and sell-in better decisions

Solves much larger staffing optimization models than the Excel Solver

  • Solves Linear Programming problems up to 8,000 variables. (That’s 40 times the capacity of the standard Excel Solver.)
  • Solves mixed-integer programming problems up to 2,000 variables (10 times the capacity of the Excel Solver).
  • Plug-in Solver Engines for Premium Solver Platform can solve linear and mixed-integer programming problems with an unlimited number of variables. If one is needed, you can try out the Large-Scale LP/QP Solver, MOSEK Solver, XPRESS Solver, and Gurobi Solver free of charge, and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Get Started Quickly and Easily

  • Your existing Excel solver models, and any VBA code, will work as-is
  • Choose between an Excel solver-like interface or our advanced ribbon and task pane interface with more features and control
  • Includes detailed user guides, example models, and video tutorials
  • Access world-class technical support and consulting services

Take a Moment and See For Yourself

See how we’ve matched the power of the world’s best optimization tools with the ease and familiarity of Excel:

Product OverviewEasily use our premium solvers with your existing models

Product OverviewNew to optimization? Easily build your first model

Product OverviewEasily explore decision trade-offs for the best decisions

Try it Yourself with a FREE 15-day No-Obligation Trial

What you’ll get with your free trial:

  • A fully-functioning version of Risk Solver Platform
  • Fully functioning versions of all plug-in large-scale solver engines
  • An easy to use Excel-based interface and dozens of example models
  • Complete quickstart, user and reference guides, plus video tutorials
  • Access to pre-sales support to get the most from your trial

Just a Few of the Features Designed to Help You Succeed

  • Automatic model diagnosis and engine selection — Know exactly what type of model you have and the best engine to use to solve it.
  • Guided mode – It’s like having an expert sitting next to you helping you understand your model, fix any errors, and get the best answer.
  • Automatic model transformation — Go ahead and use IF, AND, OR, NOT, MIN, and MAX functions. Premium Solver Platform will automatically transform the model for the best answer in the least time.
  • Parameterized Optimizations — Easily run multiple optimizations changing key parameters to do advanced sensitivity and trade-off analysis.
  • Fast Monte Carlo Simulations — Quickly and easily see the range of potential outcomes and make the best decisions taking that risk and uncertainty into account.
  • Object-oriented API — More easily develop powerful custom applications in Excel and move applications from Excel to languages such as C++, VB.NET, and Java.
  • Plug-in Solver engines — Have a particularly large or challenging problem? Use specialized solver engines from the world’s most respected companies such as Gurobi, XPRESS, KNITRO, and more.

Compare our Premium Solver upgrades vs. the basic Excel Solver (PDF)

See a detailed feature list of our Premium Solvers (PDF)

Download Your FREE Trial

Proven with thousands of users over many years

  • Frontline Solvers have been proven in use by nearly 200,000 users.
  • Over 5,000 companies, many of them Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 firms, are Frontline Systems’ customers.
  • Frontline Systems’ software is the overwhelming favorite tool in its field for teaching optimization and simulation methods to MBA students in thousands of universities throughout the world.


Fill in the Form to Download Risk Solver Platform

Register below to download and run the SolverSetup program that installs Risk Solver Platform and Premium Solver Platform (if you don't to take into account uncertainty) with a free 15-day trial license.  You can use every feature of the software, solve real problems, examine the full User Guide and Help, and get expert technical support -- all without any obligation.  You can download immediately, or return later for your free trial.