Get the SDK to Build Applications That Perform
Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation


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Solver SDK Platform is a powerful, comprehensive software development kit that will enhance your ability to create applications using optimization and Monte Carlo simulation and Optimization.

Quickly Develop your Model and Deploy on Desktop, Server, or the Cloud

  • Easily build your model in Excel and import it, or build it in code from scratch.
  • Take advantage of a full range of support and diagnostic tools to quickly build your application.
  • Deploy to users whether or not they have Excel

Supports Multiple Users Concurrently

  • Solver SDK Platform is fully reentrant and suitable for multi-threaded applications, such as those on Intranet, Web server, or Web service applications that are designed to serve multiple users concurrently.

Supports Your Programming Language, Operating System, Platform, and File Format

  • Is available for 64-bit and 32-bit Windows and for 64-bit and 32-bit Linux.
  • Integrates with today’s most popular platforms and languages including VB.NET, C / C++ / C#, Java, MATLAB, Microsoft .COM and .NET.
  • Offers a powerful object-oriented API, and a matching procedural API for C, Fortran, and Pascal.
  • Offers an object-oriented API, a matching procedural API, and a Toolbox-compatible API for MATLAB.
  • Reads and writes models in standard MPS format, LP format, and new XML-based OSIL format files.
  • Includes 40 source code examples, of every major problem type, written in each of the SDK's supported languages.

Provides an Object Model Suited for Optimization and Simulation

  • It's easy to get started with the SDK's Problem, Model and Solver objects. Use high-level objects for vectors of decision variables and constraints, a sparse matrix of coefficients, or a random variable defined by a probability distribution.

Provides an Object Model Suited for Optimization and Simulation

  • Includes a full range of powerful, built-in Solver engines.
  • Accepts the latest optional plug-in Solver engines from the best developers including Gurobi, KNITRO, XPRESS, MOSEK, and more.

Proven With Thousands of Users Over Many Years

  • Frontline Solvers have been proven in use by nearly 200,000 users.
  • Over 5,000 companies, many of them Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 firms, are Frontline Systems’ customers.
  • Frontline Systems’ software is the overwhelming favorite tool in its field for teaching these methods to MBA students in thousands of universities throughout the world.


Fill in the Form to Download Solver SDK Platform

Register below to download and run the SDKSetup program that installs the full-power Solver SDK Platform with a free 15-day trial license.  Use every feature of the software, examine and solve 35 working examples illustrating various features of the SDK, examine the full User Guide and Help, and get expert technical support -- all without any obligation. You can download immediately, or return later for your free trial.

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