Defines a basic Solver model. Equivalent to clicking Solver in the Data | Analysis group and then specifying options in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

Before you use this function, you must establish a reference to the Solver add-in. In the Visual Basic Editor, with a module active, click References on the Tools menu, and then select the Solver.xlam check box under Available References. If Solver.xlam does not appear under Available References, click Browse and open Solver.xlam in the \office14\library\Solver subfolder.


SolverOk(SetCell, MaxMinVal, ValueOf, ByChange, Engine, EngineDesc)

SetCell   Optional Variant. Refers to a single cell on the active worksheet. Corresponds to the Set Objective Cell box in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

MaxMinVal   Optional Variant. Corresponds to the Max, Min, and Value options in the Solver Parameters dialog box.








Match a specific value


ValueOf   Optional Variant. If MaxMinVal is 3, you must specify the value to which the target cell is matched.

ByChange   Required Variant. The cell or range of cells that will be changed so that you will obtain the desired result in the target cell. Corresponds to the By Changing Variable Cells box in the Solver Parameters dialog box.


Engine   Optional Variant. The Solving method that should be used to solve the problem: 1 for the Simplex LP method, 2 for the GRG Nonlinear method, or 3 for the Evolutionary method.  Corresponds to the Select a Solving Method dropdown list in the Solver Parameters dialog box.


EngineDesc   Optional Variant. An alternate way to specify the Solving method that should be used to solve the problem as a string: "Simplex LP", "GRG Nonlinear", or "Evolutionary".  Corresponds to the Select a Solving Method dropdown list in the Solver Parameters dialog box.


This example uses the Solver functions to maximize gross profit in a business problem. The SolverOK function defines a problem by specifying the SetCell, MaxMinVal, and ByChange arguments.

Worksheets("Sheet1"). Activate


SolverOptions precision:=0.001

SolverOK SetCell:=Range ("TotalProfit"), _

    MaxMinVal:=1, _

    ByChange:=Range ("C4:E6")

SolverAdd CellRef:=Range ("F4:F6"), _

    Relation:=1, _


SolverAdd CellRef:=Range ("C4:E6"), _

    Relation:=3, _


SolverAdd CellRef:=Range ("C4:E6"), _


SolverSolve UserFinish:=False

SolverSave SaveArea:=Range ("A33")