PsiSimParam (values, upper, base_case)

PsiSimParam accepts a list of different values that a variable should have in different simulations, where the value is the same for all trials in one simulation.  Values is either a cell range, such as PsiSimParam(A1:A3), an array of numbers, such as PsiSimParam({6.0, 7.5, 9.0}), or a lower value specified in the values argument and an upper value specified in the upper argument.  In the 1st case, PsiSimParam will return the value in cell A1 for all trials of the first simulation, the value in cell A2 for all trials of the second simulation and the value in cell A3 for all trials in the third simulation. In the 2nd case, PsiSimParam will return 6.0 for all trials of the first simulation, 7.5 for all trials of the second simulation, and 9.0 for all trials of the third simulation. In the 3rd case, PsiSimParam will return the value in the values argument for the first simulation, the middle value between the values and upper arguments for the 2nd simulation, and the value in the upper argument for the 3rd simulation. If a value is entered for base_case, this value will be used when this input cell is not being treated as an uncertain variable, for example, if multiple optimizations are being run, during Parameter Analysis, etc.