PsiBetaGen (α1,α2,a,b,...)

PsiBetaGen (α1,α2,a,b,...) is a rescaled and relocated Beta distribution, with lower and upper bounds given respectively by a and b. The shape parameters α1,α2 play the same role as in the PsiBeta function. If X is a Beta random variable with sup­port in [0,1], then a + (b – a) X is a Beta random variable with support in [a,b].

Alternate Formulation:  PsiBetaGenAlt

PsiBetaGenAlt is the PsiBetaGen distribution defined through alternative arguments.  Four parameters are required and all must be chosen from the following list:  percentile1, percentile2, percentile3, percentile4, shape1, shape2, min or max.  PsiBetaGenAlt is not supported in the Analytic Solver Cloud app.  

PsiBetaGen Distribution Parameters

PsiBetaGen Distribution Parameters

PsiBetaGen Distribution Parameters