Alternate Formulation


PsiFatigueLifeAlt is the PsiFatigueLife distribution defined through alternative arguments.  Three parameters are required and can be either "loc", "scale", "shape" or a value between 0 and 1 to specify a percentile. The possible combinations are 3 percentiles, 2 percentiles and 1 real parameter or 1 percentile and 2 real parameters. PsiFatigueLifeAlt is not supported in Analytic Solver Cloud app. 


=PsiFatigueLifeAlt(5%, 1.5, 50%, 2.5, 95%, 4.5)

returns a FatigueLife distribution with 5th percentile 1.5, 50th percentile 2.5 and 95th percentile 4.5.

=PsiFatigueLifeAlt(5%, 1.5, 50%, 2.5, "loc", 0.5)

returns a FatigueLife distribution with 5th percentile 1.5, 50th percentile 2.5 and loc parameter, 0.5.

=PsiFatigueLifeAlt("loc", 0.5, 5%, 1.5, 50%, 2.5)

returns a FatigueLife distribution with loc parameter 0.5, 5th percentile 1.5, and 50th percentile 2.5.