PsiSixSigma(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)

Analytic Solver V2023 Q2 includes the ability to convert an @Risk model to a model solvable by Analytic Solver. 

For more information on this new feature, see the section “Using the Distribution Galleries” that appears earlier in this guide.

In order to comply with @Risk functionality pertaining to Six Sigma functions, PsiOutput() was extended to accept a third argument, the new property function PsiSixSigma(). This new property can be used to supply the arguments to one or more Psi Six Sigma functions. 

Note:  This property may only be used with the following Psi Six Sigma functions:  PsiSigmaCP, PsiSigmaCPK, PsiSigmaCPKLower, PsiSigmaCPKUpper, PsiSigmaCPM, PsiSigmaDefectPPM, PsiSigmaDefectShiftPPM, PsiSigmaDefectShiftPPMLower, PsiSigmaDefectShiftPPMUpper, PsiSigmaK, PsiSigmaLowerBound, PsiSigmaProbDefectShift, PsiSigmaProbDefectShiftLower, PsiSigmaProbDefectShiftUpper, PsiSigmaSigmaLevel, PsiSigmaUpperBound, PsiSigmaYield, PsiSigmaZLower, PsiSigmaZMin and PsiSigmaZUpper.  

The expanded signature for PsiOutput() uses the PsiSixSigma property to pass arguments to any Psi Six Sigma function that references the cell containing this function. 

PsiOutput(cell_or_name, [instance], [PsiSixSigma(p1, p2, …)])

Note that in the example below, only the first two arguments to PsiSixSigma are utilized since PsiSigmaCP accepts just two arguments, lower_limit and upper_limit.