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Solver Support- Recommended Books- VBA and Advanced Optimization Methods

Options, and even a Stock Trading Simulation. Advanced Methods Used by Frontline's Solvers The ... following books describe some of the advanced methods for global optimization and non-smooth optimizations ... optimization, including data classification, calibration of complex system models, solution of nonlinear ...

admin - 08/13/2012 - 11:55

Examples of Optimization Problems

Can You Show Me Examples Similar to My Problem?   Download 119 Example Models Now Optimization is ... selected examples online by functional area or industry. Here is a comprehensive list of example models ... you'll find that more than ninety (90) small, but fully functional, example models are available for your ...

admin - 06/16/2024 - 18:41

Data Analysis Features

data mining in XLMiner using multiple methods (classification, prediction, and ensemble methods). ... Introduction XLMiner offers an array of features for exploring and visualizing data; for example ... Components Analysis. These methods enable users to increase the accuracy of their models by reducing ...

briansheehan - 10/04/2015 - 06:33

Analytic Model Creation, Deployment and Management Made Easy

historical data. Prediction and classification methods Use powerful multiple linear and logistic regression ... stochastic optimization problems Time Series Forecasting Methods   Data Exploration and Feature Selection ... Unsupervised Machine Learning Classification and Prediction Algorithms DMN-FEEL Compatible Decision Tables ...

admin - 01/18/2024 - 16:41

Using Stored Model Sheets to Score New Data

X is the abbreviated name of the data science method.  For example, the name given to the stored model ... ribbon.  For example, assume the Linear Regression prediction method has just finished.  The Stored Model ... prediction, classification, forecasting and transformation results, internal values and coefficients are ...

admin - 08/15/2024 - 14:56

Analytic Solver® V2023 Q2: Easily Run Your @RISK Model in the Cloud

k-Nearest Neighbors, Neural Networks, and Classification and Regression Trees, as well as Ensembles of ... tools that apply Monte Carlo simulation methods, as well as charting like you find in @RISK or Analytic ... risk measures, Six Sigma functions, and percentiles.  The example below reflects median (1978) home ...

admin - 05/20/2023 - 15:28

Discriminant Analysis Example

Example: Data Size: Different versions of XLMiner™ have varying limits on size of data. The size ... of data depicted in the example below may not be supported by your version. Refer to Data Handling ... on Finish. In XLMiner™ menu click on classification--> Discriminant Analysis to get the first ...

admin - 01/22/2013 - 13:04

Analytic Solver® Simulation Plus Data Mining License

methods such as classification and regression trees and neural networks, and easily apply the most popular ... time series methods for forecasting. Analytic Solver Simulation is a true "industrial ... (User Guide, Reference Guide, and QuickStart Guide), 30 example datasets and 90 example models, and ...

admin - 04/25/2024 - 21:06

XPRESS Solver Engine for Excel- Advanced Methods

Advanced Methods for XPRESS A Full Arsenal of Solution Methods With the XPRESS Solver Engine, you ... can choose either an advanced primal Simplex method, a very high performance dual Simplex method, or ... a state of the art Newton Barrier ("interior point") method to solve linear programming ...

admin - 08/02/2012 - 14:09
