Premium Solver Platform

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Premium Solver Platform is a comprehensive package of high-performance tools for optimizing the allocation of scarce resources, and is today's most effective linear programming upgrade for the Excel Solver. Here’s why:

Premium Solver Platform:

Solves Much Larger Distribution Optimization Problems than Excel Solver

  • Solves Linear Programming and Quadratic Programming problems up to 8,000 variables. (That’s 40 times the capacity of the standard Excel Solver.)
  • Solves Mixed Integer (LP/MIP) and Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) Problems up to 2,000 variables.
  • Automatically selects the best presolve strategy, Simplex method, pricing method, and pivoting strategy, and uses robust methods to automatically handle degenerate models.
  • Linear programming upgrades to Premium Solver Platform, the LSLP, MOSEK, XPRESS and Gurobi Solvers, can solve LP/MIP problems with an unlimited number of variables and constraints.

Solves Optimization Problems Much Faster than Excel Solver

  • Linear Programming Problems can often be solved 10 to 20 times faster, depending on the complexity of your model.
  • Linear Mixed-Integer Problems can often be solved 50 to 200 times faster or more.
  • Non-Linear Problems can be solved much faster, depending on the complexity of your model and the types of functions you use.
  • Available in 32-bit and 64-bit versions which take maximal advantage of all available processor cores.

Solves New Types of Optimization Problems

  • Solve every type of conventional optimization problem using the 5 built-in solver engines.
  • Can automatically transform models with Excel functions such as IF, AND, OR, NOT, MIN, MAX into linear mixed-integer models for faster solution.
  • Includes an Interval Global Solver that can find proven globally optimal solutions, or all real solutions for a system of nonlinear equations.
  • Includes a special Solver for Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) models -- the natural generalization of linear and quadratic programming.

The 100% Compatible Upgrade for the standard Excel Solver

  • Premium Solver Platform is 100% upward compatible with the Solver in Excel, that Frontline Systems originally developed for Microsoft.
  • Existing spreadsheet models and VBA macros designed for the standard Excel Solver with work as-is with Premium Solver Platform.
  • All optimization models are created within the Excel spreadsheet environment. Familiarity with Excel means a very short learning curve with Premium Solver Platform.
  • Optimization models in Premium Solver Platform can span multiple worksheets, with decision variables and constraints on any worksheet.

Automatically Determines Model Type and Chooses the Best Engine to Solve It

  • Analyzes your model and can point out formulas that make a model non-linear or non-smooth.
  • Analyzes model convexity, the key property that makes it possible to solve a model quickly and to very large size.
  • After determining model type, can automatically choose the best available solver engine for your particular model to get you the best solution in the least amount of time.
  • “Guided Mode” helps you better understand your model, identify and fix any errors, and understand the type of solution found. It’s like having an expert next to you.

Makes It Much Easier to Solve Optimization Problems Spread Across Multiple Worksheets

  • It is no longer necessary to keep all decision variables and constraint left-hand sides on the active worksheet, as must be done with the standard Excel Solver.

Proven With Thousands of Users Over Many Years.

  • Frontline Solvers have been proven in use by nearly 200,000 users.
  • Over 5,000 companies, many of them Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 firms, are Frontline Systems’ customers.
  • Frontline Systems’ software is the overwhelming favorite tool in its field for teaching these methods to MBA students in thousands of universities throughout the world.

Fill in the Form to Download Premium Solver Platform

Register below to download and run the SolverSetup program that installs Premium Solver Platform and Risk Solver Platform with a free 15-day trial license.  You can use every feature of the software, solve real problems, examine the full User Guide and Help, and get expert technical support -- all without any obligation.  You can download immediately, or return later for your free trial.