Thank you for using Frontline's Solver SDK. There is an updated version of your product available.
This is a free update for people with a current trial license or who are current with their Annual Support. If your Annual Support has lapsed, simply contact us today at 775-831-0300 or email We'll explain the easy steps to catch up on support at the lowest available pricing.
This is a 100% compatible update. Your existing V12.0 license will work as-is.
- If you aren't currently logged in to, enter your username or email address, and your
password in the form below. - Click the button to proceed immediately to the Download page, and follow the instructions there.
- Run SDKSetup. You'll get an email with an installation password and license activation code,
but as long as your license is current, these will be pre-filled in SDKSetup -- just click Next.
What's New in V12.0
For a summary of enhancements in this upgrade, see What's New in Solver SDK V12.0.
If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact us:
- During USA business hours, click the Live Chat link in the upper right corner of any page of
- Call us at +1 775-831-0300 and press 3 for customer service and license codes; as a backup press 0.
- Send email to -- this goes into our Help Desk system, where multiple people can respond.