PsiPercentiles(cell, [simulation],[struc_format],[param_slice])

PsiPercentiles returns an array of all percentiles (0.01 to 0.99) for the specified uncertain function cell.  To return one value, use the Percentile() function described above.  If multiple simulations are used, specify the simulation index to receive the percentiles for the desired simulation. 

If using a version of Excel that does not support Dynamic Arrays, omit the trial argument and “array-enter” the PsiData function by selecting a column of cells, typing the function call, and pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.  If the number of cells N in the array-entered result is less than the number of trials in the simulation, only the first N trials are returned.

In Analytic Solver Cloud and in later versions of desktop Excel, PsiData() returns a Dynamic Array.  To use this function in the Cloud, you need only enter the Psi function in one cell as a normal function, i.e., not as a control array.  The contents of the Dynamic Array will "spill" down the column.  If a nonblank cell is "blocking" the contents of the Dynamic Array, PsiData() will return #SPILL until such time as the blockage is removed.