PsiSemiVar2 (cell, [lowerdata], [simulation], [strucformat],[paramslice])

PsiSemiVar2 returns the variance of the values in the distribution below or above the mean.

cell – Enter the cell address of the specified uncertain function.

lowerdata – (Optional) Enter true for the lower (default) or false for the upper data.

simulation – (Optional) Used when multiple simulations are performed during simulation parameter analysis (i.e. use of the PsiSimParam function).  Enter an integer greater than 0 and less than NumSimulations for the simulation index.  The default is 1.

strucformat, paramslice —(Optional) Used in Dimensional Modeling.  Enter "vals" to display cube elements in a pivot table, enter "dims" to display dimensions with lengths or enter a dimension name to return a "slice" of the data table.    

Example:  =PsiSemiVar2(A1, true, 5) returns the variance of the values below the mean for the distribution in cell A1, for simulation index 5.