Optimizing Vendor Contract Awards Gets an A+
The School District of Philadelphia uses optimization in Excel to rationally allocate 725 school bus routes to competing vendors, to complement its own fleet of school buses.
XLMiner and Big Data: Predicting Airline Flight Delays
Using the same FAA Airline dataset used by HortonWorks, we show how you can work with Big Data in Excel (with help from our Apache Spark link), point-and-click without programming.
Canadian Football League Optimizes Game Schedules in 2016
The Canadian Football League faces the task of scheduling 81 games for nine clubs across a 20-week season, balancing competing priorities for revenue, TV ratings, or player time.
XLMiner and Big Data: Analyzing New York City Taxi Fares
Using the same NYC Taxi Fare dataset used by IBM, Microsoft and others, we show how you can explore Big Data in Excel, and accurately predict fares -- without any programming.