Over the past decade, thousands of organizations have made their data available to the public, either by posting an extract online or through an API. These data sets range from government data to restaurant reviews to metadata on songs. One of the more famous data sets released recently was the...
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Trevor Hardy of the Canadian Football League -- Canada's counterpart to the NFL -- faced the task of scheduling 81 games for nine clubs across a 20-week season, balancing competing priorities for revenue, TV ratings, or player rest -- while meeting a wide range of constraints, from times of day...
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Choosing vendors to serve a business or government organization is essential. Several vendors compete for contracts during the bidding process, and it is up to the administrator to make a wise and impartial decision. With many variables to weigh in the decision, optimization software can solve...
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MBA students want to learn the skills they'll need to be effective business managers. They study accounting and finance, sales and marketing, production and operations, human resources, and many other topics. But...
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